Thursday, July 1, 2010

Feeling a need to be Productive.

Well, Julie has been amazingly productive this week posting to her blog, launching and stocking her Etsy shop, working a few shifts at Anthropologie and tomorrow she'll be doing a photo shoot for Taylor Linens similar to the one that just appeared in Victoria Magazine.

And all I've done is keep up with my job at the Rock Church (we're getting into Strategic Planning Season for 2011) and sail in a Wednesday night regatta. Gosh - her list is way more impressive than mine. I mean look at it. She earned six links and I only have one!

So I've decided. I started a blog in 2008 and that was about it. I started it and never kept it up so I'm going to take another stab at it. And here it is. I know the challenge will be to keep the content fresh since I don't consider myself a "blogger" but maybe I could be. I guess this will be the test. Er, second attempt at a test.

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