Monday, April 28, 2008

God Bless the Broken Road...

A few days before leaving on this trip to Sacramento, Trinidad and Jamaica, I met with a friend for coffee. He has experienced an amazing transformation in his life since he became accepted Christ. This former professional gambler, smuggler of sorts and all-around wild guy, shared part of his story with me. Like me, he had some rough relationships in the past (to put it mildly) but his perspective on his past was exciting and refreshing. He has a clear understanding that God used those experiences to bring him to where he is today.

Instead of thinking what he would do differently or kicking himself for mistakes made, he is thankful for the rough and rocky pack he has taken because it was the path that brought him to where he is today. That is the most powerful part of his testimony.

It’s amazing to see where I was a few short years ago. The “success” I experienced in school (3.6 GPA), hiking over 5,000-miles and setting a speed record in the process, being promoted to a full-time management job while still in college, having an attractive long-term girlfriend, and leadership positions in just about every organization I came in contact with - left me feeling totally unfulfilled, unchallenged and bored with life. It didn’t make any sense. And yet, that was what it took to make me realize there was something huge missing in my life and I can use that past to share Christ with others who may be in the place where I was.

There was a time when I wanted to go back and change some of the choices (read: mistakes) I made, but God’s plan is perfect and looking at where it has taken me and the path I’m on now, I wouldn’t change a thing.

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